Elevate Your Conversations with Yoroms Platform's Affordable Plans


$0 / monthFor if you just need the subtitles
  • Translated Captions anywhere on the web
  • Translate your favorite videos on Youtube, Twitch, etc.


$10 / monthPerfect to get started with Yoroms
  • All free features
  • In-meeting speaker identification
  • Full transcript access afterwards
  • Summaries
  • Yoroms box - easily integrate with Google meets side panel


$20 / monthSave time with our AI features
  • All basic features
  • AI generated Action items
  • AI generated Pain points
  • An overview of Questions asked
  • Note taking


Custom For 100+ employees
  • All premium features
  • 99.9% SLA
  • Priority support
  • Volume pricing
  • On-demand features
1M+minutes translated
20+countries connected
1.8k+companies using Yoroms

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Feel confident in multi-lingual meetings with real-time transcriptions and translations.